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Research Progress
Institut Pasteur of Shanghai reveals that the chromatin remodeling subunit Baf200 promotes normal hematopoiesis and inhibits leukemogenesis [2018-05-14]
Researchers of Institut Pasteur of Shanghai unveal the Regulation of gammaherpesvirus lytic replication by endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced transcription factors ATF4 and CHOP [2018-05-14]
Researchers of Institut Pasteur of Shanghai revealed the function and mechanism of MLL5, an epigenetic regulator, in regulating antiviral immune response [2018-05-14]
Scientists reveal that recombinant ZIKV envelope protein elicited protective immunity against ZIKV in immunocompetent mice [2018-05-14]
Researchers of Institut Pasteur of Shanghai unveal the Regulation of gammaherpesvirus lytic replication by endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced transcription factors ATF4 and CHOP [2018-05-11]
Mechanism and Predictor of the Clinical Efficacy of Psychosurgery in Severe Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder [2018-05-11]
Targeted Blocking of Nuclear Import Kills Glioblastoma via Proteotoxic Stress [2018-05-11]
Researchers Find a Bi-Sexual Layout of the Brain for Sex-Typical Behaviors [2018-05-11]
N6-methyladenosines Modulate A-to-I RNA Editing [2018-05-11]
Hybrid Energy System Proposed for a Coal-Based Chemical Industry [2018-05-11]
High Conductivity and Flexibility Three-Dimensional Metal Microstructures: Fabrication and Characterization [2018-05-11]
Positive Progress in Water-Dispersible Graphene Made by SIMIT [2018-05-11]
Significant achievement on thermoelectric materials research made by SIMIT [2018-05-11]
SIMIT has made important progress in ultra-low field magnetic resonance imaging [2018-05-11]
High-Quality Monolithic Graphene Films via Laterally Stitched Growth and Structural Repair of Isolated Flakes for Transparent Electronics [2017-11-14]
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