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Research Progress
RACK1 Promotes Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Tumorigenicity through Activating Sonic Hedgehog Signaling Pathway [2012-02-24]
Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of Rare-earth-metal Terminal Imido Complexes [2012-02-06]
Carrier-envelope Phase Stabilized Intense 1.5 Cycle Laser Pulses at 1.75 μm [2012-02-06]
Novel Strategy to Realize the Magnetic/optical Multimodal Bioapplication of Trivalent Lanthanide-Doped Inorganic Nanocrystals [2012-02-06]
Biosynthesis of destruxins—puzzle solved [2012-02-01]
Penicillium marneffei-stimulated dendritic cellsenhance HIV-1 trans-infection and promote viral infection by activating primary CD4+ T cells [2011-12-14]
Identification of Lysine Malonylation as a Novel Protein Modificationand Its Regulatory Enzyme [2011-12-14]
The researchers at Institut Pasteur of Shanghai discover different susceptibilities to Japanese encephalitis virus neuroinvasion in mice [2011-12-05]
Iron Deprivation Suppresses Hepatocellular Carcinoma Growth in Experimental Studies [2011-11-21]
Photosensitivity Control of An Isotropic Medium through Polarization of Light Pulses with Tilted Intensity Front [2011-11-21]
Enhanced 2.7 Emission from Er3+ /Tm3+/Pr3+ Triply Doped Fluoride Glass [2011-11-21]
SIMM Identifies A Novel Antibacterial Agent against Multiple Resistant Bacteria [2011-11-21]
T33-A Novel PPARα/γ Dual Agonist with Potential Effect on Ischemia Stroke Treatment [2011-10-26]
Improving the efficiency of crystalline silicon solar cells by an intersected selective laser doping [2011-10-17]
SIOC and Syngenta extend cooperation on crop protection [2011-10-02]
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