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Studies Reveal a MicroRNA Control on Ciliogenesis [2012-06-13]
Recent Process in Iridium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Substitution Reactions [2012-06-01]
Coherent Ghost Imaging Based on Sparsity Constraint Without Phase-sensitive Detection [2012-06-01]
Researchers at SIOC Develop a Novel Type of Highly Stable Chiral Supramolecular Copolymers [2012-04-25]
Novel High Efficiency Thermoelectric Material within the Concept of Phonon-Liquid Electron-Crystal [2012-04-25]
FJIRSM Develops a Series of New Photochromic Materials [2012-04-20]
Researchers at SIOC Develop a Novel Type of Highly Stable Chiral Supramolecular Copolymers [2012-04-13]
Interaction between KSHV LANA and RBP-Jk Important for Maintenance of Viral Latency [2012-04-05]
A Unique LeuRS: Mimicking Its Ancestor [2012-03-29]
Researchers Accomplish the First Total Synthesis of (-)-Fusarisetin A [2012-03-29]
Rice MADS29 Transcription Factor Regulates Degradation of Maternal Tissues to Regulate Seed Development [2012-03-29]
Roads to Design an Efficient Non-viral Gene Delivery System [2012-03-29]
The Tango of Odorants: Olfactory Recognition via a Dynamichydrogen Bond Matrix [2012-03-13]
High Efficient Optical Parametric Oscillator for Mid-infrared Laser Generation [2012-02-24]
Receptor Tyrosine Kinase EphB3 Regulates Lung Cancer Metastasis [2012-02-24]
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