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Research Progress
Study Reveals MicroRNA Coordinating Survival and Apoptosis of Neural Progenitor Cells Derived from Human Embryonic Stem Cells [2013-10-11]
Molecular Structure Reveals How HIV Infects Cells [2013-10-09]
Latanoprost can Ameliorate Glucose and Lipid Disorders in db/db and ob/ob Mice [2013-09-17]
Researchers Uncover New Function and Mechanism of TRAF6 in Tumorigenesis [2013-09-17]
New molecular mechanism of depression revealed [2013-09-03]
Effects of nanosecond-scale prepulse on generation of high-energy protons in target normal sheath acceleration [2013-08-22]
Scientists Discover Par-1 as Novel Modulator of Hippo Pathway [2013-08-22]
Synchrotron 3D method elucidates the controlled release mechanism of poorly soluble drugs [2013-08-02]
SIOM first achieve selective enhancement of a single harmonic emission [2013-07-12]
IPS Researchers Discover Immune Evasion Mechanism in Severe Malaria Parasite [2013-07-12]
How Plants Know When to Bloom [2013-07-12]
Ramsey Interaction with Transverse Decay [2012-06-13]
Three-dimensional Dammann Array in Focus Volume of An Objective Newly Reported [2012-06-13]
FOXO3a, a Double-edged Sword in Tumorigenesis? [2012-06-13]
Studies Prove V4 as a Key Player Mediating Feedforward and Feedback Processing Streams [2012-06-13]
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