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Research Progress
Researches Developed Novel Two-dimensional Perovskite for High-performance Solar Cells [2022-03-03]
Researchers Develop Large/Complex-Shaped High-Purity Alumina Components by Spontaneous Coagulation Casting [2022-02-27]
Bionic sensing array to lend a “land” to disaster rescue [2022-02-08]
Scientists Develop Transparent Power-Generating Windows Based on Solar-Thermal-Electric Conversion [2022-02-08]
How do Legumes Build “Nitrogen-fixing Factories”? [2022-02-08]
Chinese and German Scientists Jointly Observe the Ductility in the Semiconductor α-Ag2S [2018-05-14]
Fire alarm wallpaper detects, resists, and warns of house fires [2018-05-14]
DNA damage induced by oxidized pyrimidine nucleotidecontributes to antibiotic lethality [2018-05-14]
A new component of the N6-methyladenosinemethyltransferase complex and Drosophila sex determination pathway [2018-05-14]
A Lepidopteran Nuclease Suppresses RNAi [2018-05-14]
IUE has made a new progress in how nano-TiO2 influence the bioavailability of arsenic in Artemia salina nauplii and the trophic transfer of arsenic in saltwater food chain [2018-05-14]
A Novel Method to Construct Dienes and Polyenes by Cu-Catalyzed Dehydrogenative Desaturation-Relay [2018-05-14]
One-step Ionothermal Method Developed to Fabricate Single-atom Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction [2018-05-14]
Ionic Zr-MOFs: Catalytic Platforms for Carbon Dioxide Conversions [2018-05-14]
Researchers Reveal Highly Efficient Electrochemical Reforming of CH4/CO2 in a Solid Oxide Electrolyser [2018-05-14]
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